
Prom Prowess!

Prom Season

It’s that time of year again. With the build up to prom season now in full swing, many young men out there might be feeling an unpleasant pang of prom-related anxiety.

Need a suit for Prom?

Fear not! There are plenty of options out there for a stylish young man, whatever your taste. Whether you’re looking to hire a suit or buy your first suit, there’s a wealth of options out there. So, read on and discover how you can dazzle your lucky prom date this year…

Rent a suit for prom, no problem!

The first thing to remember is that this whole experience should be fun! Relax, take a deep breath and enjoy the process of looking and feeling your best! Now, of course there’s always one (maybe two) guy who likes to rock up in a garish suit, jazzy shoes and a clashing tie…but if you’re going for overall lasting impact, our best advice to you is to stay classic, tasteful and timeless.

Is there a best suit for prom?

Whether you have your heart set on a classic ‘black tie’ look or the ever-stylish tuxedo with cummerbund, you can’t go wrong with the time-tested combination of black and white. But wait, you don’t have to go 100% black and white, why not add a splash of colour with an eye-catching necktie? The result? One seriously sharp looking guy! You might decide that you’d like to invest in a fabulous suit that you can wear after your prom has been and gone. If that’s the case, there are a wealth of options available to you. The most important thing is to get yourself professionally measured. By booking a consultation with a knowledgeable professional, you’ll avoid buying a suit that is a bit too baggy here, or a bit to snug there… Last but not least, have a think about your date’s outfit. If they’re wearing a pale blue dress, then you might think about subtly complementing it with a dark blue flower in your buttonhole, or perhaps a midnight blue necktie. A bit of contrast is a good look, matching outfits…not so much!

What to wear to prom … guys we got your backs!

At Astares, we offer a fantastic range of suits to hire and suits to buy. Why not give us a call and book your free consultation? We can show you our range of high-quality, eye-catching suits for hire, and if you’re looking to buy, we’d be delighted to show you our incredible Herbie Frogg range! You’re in safe, professional hands at Astares. Jez and Ruth have a wealth of experience and an eye for style, they’ll have you strutting your stuff in no time! We look forward to welcoming you!